5 Pro Tips for Choosing Construction Scheduling Software

Construction scheduling software can make or break your business. Here’s how the pros choose the right tools.

For a long time, construction software options were very limited. Most of us made do with desktop software that only runs on that one computer in the accounting office or a patchwork of spreadsheets, databases and random cloud-based tools that didn’t quite work as needed.

Fortunately things have changed, and now, with the construction tech boom, we’re spoiled for choice when it comes to construction software, including construction scheduling software.

That does introduce a new problem though: how do you choose the right construction scheduling software for your business? Here are our top tips as construction software professionals.

Table of Contents

  1. Integration is Key
  2. Choose Scalable Options
  3. Built on Proven Technology
  4. User-friendliness and Support Matter
  5. Data Security and Integrity
  6. Bonus Tip: Price Isn't Everything

Integration is Key

One of the biggest problems with the old way of doing things in the construction world is that we all had data silos. Accounting had one system, estimating used something else, and project management and operations did something else altogether.

None of those systems were connected, so we all wound up doing everything at least twice to transfer information from one system to another, with all the time-wasting and inaccuracy that goes with that.

The good news is that most of today's good construction scheduling software has the ability to connect to the software that runs other divisions or business units, so you can share information between departments automatically. Always look for construction scheduling software that integrates well with your other business tools. 

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Choose Scalable Options

The software you need when you’re just starting out is not the same as the software you need for a large construction company. But if you choose the right construction scheduling software, it can evolve with your company.

Scalable construction software allows you to add more users and user groups. It offers plugins and add-ons that you can choose to bring on when you need them, and it's designed to grow with your business and your needs.

Look for construction scheduling software that's designed to be expandable and customizable so you won’t find yourself needing to make a major software switch every few years. 

Built on Proven Technology

Software has come a long way since the early days of C and Perl, but even though there seems to be a new programming language out there every other week, it doesn’t mean you should choose software built on a new kind of technology.

Many shiny, new programming and software languages and platforms won’t be around in a few years--and even those that are, will need major debugging before they’re stable and reliable. Even AI is so new that it will take a while before it fully finds its digital feet.

When you’re shopping for construction scheduling software, look for tools that are built on stable, dependable platforms with a long history and lots of support.

You don’t want to buy software if there’s only one company that understands how it works. If that company happens to go out of business, you’ll be stuck with a big problem.
So, look for software solutions that are built on proven technology. 

User-friendliness and Support Matter

There’s a lot of construction software out there that does amazing things, but it’s incredibly hard to master and even harder to roll out as a company-wide solution.

The best construction scheduling software is easy to use, and intuitive, which makes onboarding your team faster and easier. There’s never a good time to switch to a new construction scheduling system, but with the right software, it doesn’t have to be the worst thing that happened this year.

You also need to find a software provider who offers training and support, and is committed to helping you make your digital transformation as painless as possible. 

Data Security and Integrity

The last critical tip we have for any company searching for any kind of software, including construction scheduling software, is to find a solution that offers top-of-the-line security options.

The construction industry is increasingly a target for cybercriminals, and whether it’s a data breach or a ransomware attack, it can be crippling when it happens. 

Bonus Tip: Price Isn't Everything

As a construction professional, you know what often happens when a job goes to the lowest bidder. Shoddy workmanship, poor-quality materials, and time and cost overruns are the names of the game.

The same is true when you’re choosing any kind of construction software.

So, while you should always be mindful of your budget and look for solutions that won’t break the bank, don’t make price your only selection criterion, or you might find yourself in the very situation you're trying to avoid. 


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