Breaking Up with Bad: 5 Signs It's Over Between You and Your Construction Project Management Software
Find a PMIS partner who'll serve your construction project management team's unique needs for cloud-based collaboration, in Microsoft 365.
Dear Abby,
It feels like the magic is gone.
I’ve thrown my heart into this relationship because people are depending on me to make it to work, but I have to confess that lately, my eye is wandering. The stakes are too high for me to move on unless I’m sure it’s the right call, though, so please help.
How will I know?
Confused in Construction Project Management
Table of Contents
- You're All Alone
- You're Not Being Heard
- They're Inflexible
- Where's The Security and Support?
- Everything is Just So Hard
Dear Confused,
Connecting with your true match is essential to success and satisfaction. You won’t just improve your work life. You’ll also boost your bottom line. It doesn't always happen on the first try, though. Often you’ll need some experience to find the right fit. Here are some red flags to watch for:
🚩 1. You thought there’d be cooperation, but really you’re all alone.
It seemed like the engagement decision would be a beginning, but now it feels like it was also the end.
Look for a full-service construction project management solution so you’ll gain a partner, not just a product.
🚩 2. You’re not being heard.
Do they talk and talk and call it communication? Unless they’re also asking you questions and listening to your responses, it’s not a conversation.
Your true match will know that successful collaboration builds on deep understanding. Using the framework of their AEC experience and tech expertise, they’ll put themselves in your shoes so they can empathize and customize.
🚩 3. They’re inflexible.
Structure is important and consistency is valuable, but so are freedom and adaptability. Right now you're with someone who's closed-minded, rigid, and slow to act, but this is a two-way street and your needs matter too. You don’t operate just like they do; you’re not just like anyone else! Why would they expect or want that from you?
If they’re not ready for change, then they’re not ready for growth. If they're not tailoring your solution to streamline and enforce your team's construction project management processes, then is it really your solution? Leaving your current situation for a nimble, versatile software-and-services team with curiosity and creativity will bring you satisfaction.
🚩 4. Where’s the security that happy people talk about? The support?
Without a strong foundation of trust, how can you confidently share private details? Without establishing a track record of reliability, how can they demand that you take the risk of depending on them?
Backbone is essential to you, and so is follow-through. Don’t make yourself vulnerable unless they've consistently shown their dedication and commitment. Leverage the security and accessibility of the Microsoft cloud. Pick someone who won’t shy away from a puzzle or another challenge, and who’ll attack a problem and persevere until it’s solved. Enjoy knowing that because you've chosen a full-service solution, when your internal and external users have questions, it's your partner who responds.
🚩 5. Everything is just so hard.
You knew it would require effort, but this is a slog. You’re being forced to learn, and operate in, a whole new way. It’s uncomfortable and draining.
Having a common background and shared expectations can set you up for a smoother relationship. It may be time to cut your losses. Don't worry; making a move doesn't have to be difficult.
Go with a PMIS that looks and feels familiar--with the intuitive interface and user experience of Microsoft 365--and a friendly team of experts who value collaboration and customization. For well-matched partners, getting to know each other will be easy, and even fun.