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How Secure is Cloud-based Construction PM Software?

Written by Kurt Hadden, MBA | Jul 23, 2024 1:13:57 PM

For a long time, the construction industry lagged behind most others when it came to adopting technology and digitization of processes; however, things have changed. Now there's more construction project management software, and there are other digital tools specifically made for construction.

There are many reasons why some construction companies are still hesitant to adopt these kinds of software, and one of the most common is security concerns. So how secure is cloud-based construction project management software, really? Let’s take a closer look.  

Table of Contents

    1. A Word on Cyber Attacks
    2. What Is the Cost of Cybercrime?
    3. Why Do Companies Need Construction Project Management Software?
    4. What Is the Risk to Construction Companies, of Cybersecurity Breaches?
    5. What Makes Cloud-based Construction Project Management Software More Secure?
    6. Get More Security From Your Cloud-based Construction Software

A Word on Cyber Attacks

Many people these days are worried about their systems being hacked, whether it’s their corporate network or their personal social-media accounts.  

But the truth is, as proven in a study by cybersecurity experts at Stanford University, 88% of all cyber attacks are directly due to human error.  

This means that in 88% of all cyber-attack cases, people either opened an infected email attachment and loaded malware on their computer, followed a phishing link and entered security information, or took another action that effectively let cyber criminals in.  

So, whether you’re already using construction project management software, just considering it, or actively searching for the right tools for your business, the first thing you should do is educate and train your employees in cybersecurity best practices.


What Is the Cost of Cybercrime? 

We’re all aware of the rise in cybercrime but when you put actual numbers on the cost of cybercrime, it’s nearly impossible to believe that there's so much of it. 

In the United States alone, the FBI reports that in 2023 cybercrime cost $12.5 billion.  

While you might think that only major corporations are at risk, other studies have proven that nearly 50% of all cybercrime targets small and mid-sized.  

In short, we’re all at risk, and the costs of cyber attacks are higher than most people imagine.  

Why Do Companies Need Construction Project Management Software? 

In the construction world, one of the most common phrases you’ll hear when it comes to processes is, “We’ve always done it that way.” It’s also one of the most common reasons why construction companies are hesitant to embrace new technologies.  

Some employees might not be as computer savvy as you’d like, while others just don’t have the time to learn new systems. There are many good reasons to delay this transition, but the truth is that the construction industry marketplace today demands the kind of efficiency that paperwork and logbooks just can’t deliver.  

Our construction projects today are far-flung. You probably have jobs going in different states or even different countries. Not only is it harder than ever to find a fax machine for sending project documentation from the site, but collecting and sharing information in hardcopy format leads to errors, inaccuracies and communication breakdowns.  

Our teams are much more spread out than ever before, too. In fact, your people might never meet in person, and it’s common for teams to be made up of people from all over the globe.  

Then there’s productivity and profitability. Construction companies are being pushed to do more in ever shorter time frames while at the same time maintaining and improving profits on every project. That not only demands constant, accurate, real-time communication but also that we eliminate data silos and improve collaboration across all business units.  

In short, we have to do things faster, better, and cheaper while still maintaining the bottom line--
and the only way to do that effectively is to use the right construction software platforms.

What Is the Risk to Construction Companies, of Cybersecurity Breaches?

When you hear the terms cybercrime and cybersecurity, it’s hard to imagine how these things might affect your construction business. You might even believe that because you don’t do e-commerce, you aren’t at risk. But there are several ways that cyber criminals have attacked construction industry companies.  

The most common, by far, is what is known as a ransomware attack.  

This is when opening a link or attachment loads a piece of software known as ransomware onto your computer or server--and once it’s there, it removes all your files, creating copies that essentially expire. The criminals behind the attack demand a fee or ransom to release your files; they delete your files if you don’t pay.  

But even if cyber criminals don’t steal your files, they could access confidential data or even break into bank accounts and accounting systems.  

Those are some scary scenarios but the truth is, you’re more likely to encounter them because of your email systems than because of good construction project management software.  

What Makes Cloud-based Construction Project Management Software More Secure?

Many people are still wary of “the cloud.” The idea of putting our information on someone else’s server and trusting them to keep it safe, can be quite uncomfortable. But the truth is that good construction project management software is probably more secure than the computers and software already in your office.

For one thing, well-designed modern software offers granular access-control options. So you can control exactly what each staff member, client, and collaborator is able to access, read, alter, or delete. You can even limit their ability to copy or print information, in most cases.  

For another thing, cloud-based software service providers usually have a team of cybersecurity professionals whose only job is to ensure that their platform (and your data) is as safe as possible. That means performing constant checks, making regular updates, and responding quickly to any threats.  

Most of us don’t have that kind of cybersecurity expertise in our offices, which is why so many of us are targeted by cyber criminals. But when you’re using cloud-based construction software platforms, security is part of the package. So while you should never become too relaxed or complacent, you can be assured that your data is in the best possible hands.  

Get More Security From Your Cloud-based Construction Software

Now that you know what the risks are and how good construction software service providers are working to mitigate them, there are a few things you need to know about getting more secure software.  

Most importantly, make security part of your decision-making process. Put it on your list of must-haves, and ask questions about how the software provider addresses security.  

Next, ask your potential construction project management software service providers if they’ve ever had any security breaches, and if so, what they did about them. Security incidents aren’t always a deal breaker, but you need to be sure that the companies you work with have taken decisive action to fix any threats, and that they are proactive.  

Ask if they have backup servers so that if something does go wrong, you can still access critical business data. The last thing you want is to be locked out of your construction software for extended periods.  

Finally, ask about how your data will be encrypted on their servers. Ideally, you want to work with companies that don’t store your information in a readable format, so even if their servers are ever attacked, there’s another layer of security protecting your company.