When our client, Brian Mecham, from Bowen Collins & Associates, invited our CEO, Laura Nee, to present with him at the September 21 American Public Works Association conference in Utah, Laura gladly accepted.

As Principal Engineer & Construction Management Leader, Brian has led his team to construction management success by discovering and leveraging our unique, agile software-and-services VPO solution, that delivers custom advantages while dramatically reducing cost. He and Laura presented and discussed the Bowen Collins & Associates pathway to favorable outcomes through partnership with VPO, and they demonstrated how other Construction Managers could also win and satisfy clients by providing real-time, portfolio-wide views, and eliminating the major financial drain of using hefty, inflexible enterprise software.
Not only did they get to share insights on increasing efficiency and ROI, and meet Construction Management colleagues, but they toured Brian's water-treatment project site. One mobile user said "I would die without VPO!"

Plus Brian took Laura on a guided tour of the beautiful Red Butte Garden, and she enjoyed the bonus of a fun dinner with another Utah client of ours--Roger McClain of Park City Municipal Corporation.
We love providing our customers with virtual project offices, but there's also something special about meeting in person!